Tuesday, August 12, 2008

School Begins

Abbey ready for the first day and wearing her school shirt that matches mommy's. She is standing outside our apartment and the school is behind her in the next building, but you can't see it with the haze. This was the third day we were here. Now she knows the school songs, teachers, etc. but we have new challenges ahead as I begin staying all day next week and she will have to stay for nap time, etc. Please join with me in asking for security in her heart and a smooth transition.

Ready to do scarf dancing with our friend Paulette who managed to throw in teaching a lesson to my class while holding her newly adopted daughter Annalise and assessing children with special needs.

Sisi, Abbey, and Cherry doing their "workbooks", i.e. scribbling


Kelley said...

You both seem to be settling in just beautifully! Abbey looks terrific in her little school shirt...she looks so enthusiastic! I'm praying that you'll continue to have a smooth transition (with no more inconveniently locked doors)!

Donna said...

Good luck on your first day of school, Abbey! We're praying for a smooth transition for both of you!

Paulette said...

Great pics I put a bunch up too could not choose so I put them all up. Thanks so much for having us in your class I so enjoyed being there and look forward to the day we can come back. Now re: that darn hat. If it gets back to us great if someone would like it in China then it is theirs. I just saw lots of sweet porring out of it while we were in China so may want to put it in a plastic bag. yuck so glad you are back on line!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to catch up with you! We had to get a new computer after a power outage broke ours (and we had a surge protector!) I'm loving seeing you back in China and enjoying the good, the bad, and the memory-making afternoon climbs out your kitchen window and the heart-pumping traffic incidents that are sure to give your heart exercise :)

I'll be keeping up with your blog and if you need me to check on anything back home, let me know!


Anonymous said...

Hi there - so nice to be able to follow your journey!! Sounds like you are both adjusting well. Love to both of you. -Roxanne

JinXiu said...

Wow. What am amazing experience. i am so in awe of you and would love to talk to you can I email you privetly.

Glad you are adjusting and good luck

Teacher Mary said...

Abbey looks so cute it the adorable green school shirt! She must be having so much fun being able to "write" so much with others. I am certain that she will be OK with the transition. With lots of other kids around it will likely make it much easier for her. I am keeping you both in my thoughts daily for your well being. Remember to be ready for the day starting first thing in the morning.

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