Saturday, October 25, 2008

Care Packages!!

We've been really blessed to receive care packages from the states. When we first moved I told people not to send things because the cost is so high. I am now so glad they weren't listening to me because they've meant so much to us and have been a total boost each time. My sister sent CD's and italian salad dressing mix, my mom has sent two envelopes filled with goodies for Abbey that just delighted her (above all her Cinderella ring that we left behind, the kind that comes on a birthday cupcake - it's her prized possession), and then this week we had a double portion. We started the week with a great package from Kolleen and her two sweeties. They sent me teacher things like Brown Bear and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, craft supplies like colored tissue, googly eyes, pom-poms and mom things like stain remover, which I have been longing for, and more salad dressing mix. Abbey got lots of wonderful craft things, and would you believe both Laolie and Kolleen managed to find and send the Disney Snow White cup that Abbey had been missing since we left? It's great since we can't use tap water we keep one filled at the bathroom sink for tooth brushing and one on the table next to the bed for nighttime sips. She also got lots of fun kids Bandaids (the ones in china are beige and don't stick) and a sweet panda toothbrush. As if that wasn't enough we ended the week with another treasure load from Kelly, and her family. She is so smart to have sent me powdered milk, which I am thrilled with so that if I can't find imported I can always mix up some of that. Lots more stain remover pens and wipes, some very uplifting reading material, and very fun things for Abbey. She got a darling winter outfit, a huge bag of M&M's and Twix ( her eyes popped out, she didn't even know such large bags of M&M's existed), more fun craft supplies, her own set of keys, princess everything - shoes, wand, crown, earrings, necklace, rings and for the first time ever -lip glosses and glitter make up. I can assure you this sent her over the moon. It meant so much to me to see my girl so happy. The packages have felt like love in a box. They are material things but they send a huge message from home that we are not alone or forgotten. I can't thank you all enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those who waters others will themselves be watered.


Anonymous said...

Christi and Abbey, that just warmed my heart to see such wonderful gifts for the soul~ Abbey looks so sweet in the pictures. Take care and chat soon.

Shauna and MacLean xo

Truly Blessed said...

Christi & Abbey,

Those packages ARE "love in a box"!

I am just stunned that you got the box already! It wasn't even two weeks. I was so sure it would get caught up in customs because of the powdered milk. SO happy you got it and are able to enjoy everything.

We all loved Abbey's "thank you" video - I think Katie watched it about 15 times! And, yes, we do call Ella Ellie -- that's all the boys call her, Dad switches between the two, and I almost always call her Ella. No matter -- we know to whom Abbey was referring!

I'd love to see the outfit on Abbey when you have a chance...

So glad to be a part of the Christi & Abbey fan club!

Anonymous said...

Aww..that is so sweet! I love that Abbey looks so a happy! I have a box just about ready to send over too! I'm sorry I'm behind..such a procrastinator!

Bailey said...

Christi adn Abbey, you two are definitely not forgotten. Liliana and I visit your site all the time to read up on what you two are doing. We really miss China, and as such, following your journey really warms our hearts. Please keep in touch. We cannot wait to read some more.
Bailey & Liliana :o)

Donna said...

It's so wonderful that you and Abbey have such a caring family and friends! Abbey looks so happy with her new things!

Ava Baby said...

I love to check in with you guys in China- what a great adventure!
Abby's a doll!

Terynn said...

Maybe you are blessed with another type of 'care package''ve been Tagged!! Remember that game? lol

I know you are busy, so just whenever...

This is my *other* blog and where you can find details.

Lindiana Jones said...

Wow! It looks like samtsirhC came early for you all! I love the grin on that little girl's face!

Lisa said...

I just got caught up on all your latest doings.. I am just loving all the pictures. I am so glad that you are feeling more settled in!

Anonymous said...

More *love* coming your way! Shipped a box yesterday (10-28).

Ivy Shaffer said...

HI Christi,
I had your blog on mine for a while and didn't check back till after we traveled to adopt our daughter.
I love this blog and had no idea you were moving to China. We made many friends during our time there.
Please email me and I would love to send you state side goodies.

Hugs from NJ


C's Mom said...

Oh my word..that picture is priceless. I get the same expression over a bag of M&Ms but it is so much cuter on her face :0)


Teacher Mary said...

It must have been like an early Xmas! I am so glad that you both got much needed & missed items. I love the term "love in a box" so fitting! Lots of Hugs, Kisses and Ton & Tons of Love!

Katherine said...

thanks for the kind words you left me! it is so true that care packages can put you on cloud nine. :) they're worth every penny! continued blessings on you as you adjust to life in china!

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