Sunday, October 12, 2008

Funny Girl

Abbey is such a funny person and I realized the other day that I need to be writing more down (and shooting more video) so that I can remember this wonderful stage in her life.
  • As you can see, she's begun doing her own hair, and in her world more is better. She loves to put hair clips all over the back of her head as well.
  • Her voice and speech are so adorable. I need to record more, I love the way she talks and just the sweetness in her baby voice. I am getting tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Can anyone relate?
  • There is also still a little baby fat under her chin. No other fat to be found on her body, but this one little spot is so cute.
  • She is really into cutting paper and taping as I've mentioned before. She has notes and important things up all over the place. I was sad to see that she cut up her Chinese book that she brought home from school. I bought a replacement so that we have one to keep.

  • She loves to lead in our conversations. I am sort of quiet so she is always telling me to ask her certain questions to keep the conversation flowing. She'll say "Mom, ask me 'What are you doing?' Now say 'Why are you doing that?'" etc.
  • She really, really wants a camera and has for months. She always begs to use mine and I never let her. She pretends to take pictures of me with our cell phone. When she looks at pictures and video clips she always asks where I was, and I have to say that I was taking the picture.
  • She's been using her hair clips as keys, another item that she would love to have her own set of.
  • She talks about the United States a lot and asks about all our important people and things, but it's not in a sad way as before. She knows we will go back and knows everyone and everything is still there.
  • She always thinks I am 5 years old (the Ultimate in her mind) and talks to me about things she will do when she gets big.
  • She has the sweetest way of saying "Well, your welcome!" with so much charm and enthusiasm whenever I tell her thank you.
  • She's had a big jump in her fine motor skills. Her art teacher showed the children how to draw people and now she suddenly draws so many more parts and details. She drew some bunny rabbits the other day too and is starting to try to write her name. It seems to have happened so suddenly.
First rabbit drawings


bland4 said...

Love hearing about Miss Abbey and all the growth you have seen in her! What a blessing she is!

Shauna and MacLean said...

Christi what wonderful memories by having those little video clips. I too wished I had done more and still tear up when I look at early pics and video. I was reminded about how much I loved X'ian and it's glorious wall and bell tower etc. What a great spot. It looks like you ate at the same restaurant for the dumpling feast. Take care and chat soon.

love and prayers, Shauna and MacLean xo

Truly Blessed said...

Wow, she's really taken off with some of her new skills -- very cool. Do you think that's due to preschool or because she's with Olivia (who is older, right) so much?

In any case, you're so wise to write everything down. You'll be amazed at what you forget when you look back, years later, at what you wrote. That's one reason I'm so glad I discovered blogging. Of course, my kids are going to hate me for writing about every little thing they do someday!

A box of goodies is just about ready to be taped up and shipped off. I have just a few other things that I need to put in it (and today's post gave me a couple MORE ideas as well!).

If your camera is a digital one, why don't you let Abbey use it? You don't have to pay to have the photos developed (they're so easy to delete) and who knows? You just might get some great shots from Abbey's perspective AND there will finally be some pictures of YOU! -- Katie LOVES to take pictures with my camera and I usually let her. We have rules, though...she has to ask first, she has to wear the strap around her neck (or around her wrist) and she has to take pictures of specific things or people (she might want to take pictures of her fancy shoes, for example -- but I don't let her take 10 shots of a chair leg). Anyway, Katie is getting her own little camera for her birthday or Christmas. Just a thought.

C's Mom said...

Her smile just takes my breath away. I can only imagine how you must feel as her mama.

Donna said...

Wow, she's growing up so fast! Abbey sounds like such a delightful little girl!

Cherith said...

Hey there, are there any Fisher Price Kid Tough digital cameras or the VTech (less expensive) version to be had there? Our kids have one and they LOVE it. It really stops them from asking for mine.

Ash Tray said...

C - I love seeing these pics and your little tales. I have a twinge of jealousy as you set foot along the Silk Road and Xian. As you know I adore China! Of coarse I am reminded of its beauty every day as you are...

You and Abbey look great. Abbey is so beautiful - she really does seem to be growing into a little girl!


Ash et al

Lindiana Jones said...

I laughed aloud as I read about Abbey's conversational leadings. Amir wanted to know what I thought was so funny so I shared with him as well. He says that Abbey is very funny and he misses her. We love you both! sselB your China adventure!


Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your blog. Thanks for sharing your adventure!
Definitely get Abbey a camera! You'll be amazed at how different things look from her perspective. On a trip to Washington DC, in an effort to stop the whining when we were sight-seeing, I gave my daughter my second camera and told her to take pictures of anything she wanted. While I was always taking "big picture" shots, she got some remarkable pictures of things more close-up, and lower to the ground. Some of the pictures she took of mementos left at the Vietnam Memorial bring tears to my eyes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Christi. How are you? Damaris said she had crossed paths with you recently. How fun is that. I was looking at one of your pictures and realized that you are staying in my old room. The room is huge with a great view don't you think?

Robin said...

It is so awesome reading the wonderful things that Miss Abby does. It's so awesome because it shows that your belief in God was strong and God has filled both your lives with each others joy.

I can relate to that little bit of baby fat under a little girls chin. Maddy has the same thing. She also has the sweetest little baby voice and her vocabulary is really starting to take off. I can't wait until other things click like drawing, writing and truly understanding her colors etc.

Lisa and Tate said...

She sounds so adorable. I just love seeing the two gals singing the teapot song. SO cute!


Kimber and Chris said...

I am SO GLAD you took the time to update those adorably sweet stories about Abbey and post the video too! I can just hear and see her doing all those funny cute things. I particularly love posting the notes all over the house and telling you what questions to ask her- that is pretty hysterical. You have a beautiful Mommy/daughter relationship and I love reading about your adventures. So glad to see a smile on your face and all he wonderful adventures you are having.
Thinking of you often.

Teacher Mary said...

I just love the picture of my cutie pie with the hair clips (got to have as many colors as possible) all over her head--what a grin she has! WOW-she is really moving along with skills. I wish I could hear your voices. She is such a riot--give you leads about what to ask her so she can have a conversation! You will never have a dull life with little Miss Abbey around! She is your Daddy's special love gift to you! Keep having fun, fun, fun! I am so glad that you are back to posting more. I am playing catch-up as you can tell! Lots of Hugs, Kisses & Love to you both!

Eliza2006 said...

It is so funny to read about Abbey because Eliza is doing a lot of the same things. She LOVES to find sticks outside and come inside and pretend they are her keys by putting them in the key hole of the doors. She also loves to cut and tape. Isn't it such a fun stage?

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